Online Purchases and PreOrders are now active. We have started uploading spring/summer inventory. Continue to check back as we continue to upload our spring/summer seasons.

Because of YOU, we will be celebrating our 6th year on August 31st! Thank you for supporting small business; thanks for supporting 2VintageChics. Remember, "there is always, always, always something to be thankful for."
August 31, 2019 - Opening Day!

HONORED to be featured in Shore Magazine March, 2020 Feature!

Upcycled Painted
Furniture & More!

Spring/Summer Shop Hours
MARCH 2nd - August 31st
Thursday: 9-1pm
Friday: 9-2pm
Saturday 9:4pm
Sunday 9-3pm
*Owner is local - feel free to reach out for in shop appointments outside of normal business hours.
Call 443-838-4776 (Malissa)
Tel. 443-838-4776
Malissa Kirszenbaum
5782 Tilghman Is. Road
Tilghman Is., MD 21671